Responsible Gambling

Responsible Gambling

Our main goal is to ensure that our players have a great time and never get into an unpleasant situation. We believe it is important to keep casino gambling within reasonable limits, as failure to do so can cause serious personal and financial damage. Online casinos are a place where you can win big but also lose big. Our team is committed to responsible gambling, so we want to raise awareness of how this hobby can become a harmful addiction and offer some useful advice on how to prevent problems and get help.

As a form of entertainment, gambling is almost as old as mankind, as it offers the chance to win money and unrivalled thrills. However, it is easy to lose control, and the sudden loss or gain can cause you to play round after round until you lose all sense of time and contact with reality. Gambling addiction is a much more common and serious problem than we think. Please always keep the following in mind when playing:

Only play with real money if you have enough available. You should consider the money you put into the game as a long-term investment, i.e. you should be able to live a full life even if you don't get it back for a long time or even if you lose it.

Set a budget in advance and set a maximum amount you want to or can spend on the game. Set yourself daily, weekly or monthly limits and never break the rules you set. Never bet the amount needed to cover your primary needs (housing, food, bills) in the game.

Don't look at casino gambling as a source of income. It is an entertainment opportunity that costs money.

Setting limits is important not only in terms of money, but also in terms of time. Make sure that casino play does not come at the expense of work, learning and human relationships. Set yourself limits on how much time you can spend playing and when. Casino sites now offer built-in tools for self-limitation, you can even exclude yourself from the casino for a period of time if you feel you need a break.

The aim of the game should be fun and relaxation, not a prize hunt. Don't expect to win immediately, be patient and try to stay sane.

If you lose, don't try to recoup your losses immediately by exceeding your financial limits. Accept that luck is fickle and you may be luckier next time.

What self-limiting tools are there?

Today, more sophisticated casinos offer a range of tools to help you gamble responsibly. These include:

Even if you play on a casino site that lacks these options, you don't have to give up self-limiting, as you can time yourself and write down your money limits and stick to them. Closing the account is of course possible for all sites.