Online Roulette

Online roulette is available in countless versions at online casinos today. In addition to the US and European versions, there are many other exciting games with features to try your luck at, if you're brave enough!

A Guide to the World of Online Roulette

Have you ever considered testing your luck? Would you like to feel the adrenaline rush when the little white ball lands in one of the pockets on the wheel? If your answer to these questions is positive, but  you don’t know how or where to begin, here’s a guide to the various options you have.

online roulette, rulette table, online casino

For a long time, fans of the spinning wheel had a single option to play the game: find a casino, sit down at the roulette table, place their bets and play live roulette. While this can be exciting and for German players surely have a wide range of casinos to choose from in Germany, we live in a busy world where we might not have enough spare time to frequently visit new casinos, wait for our turn and spend valuable time. This is when internet roulette comes into play. 

You might think, internet roulette, what is that and how does it work? Continue reading to find out more.

A Brief Description of Roulette

According to experts, roulette, as we know it, is about 200 years old. There is a wheel with different numbers and colors, and a white ball that lands on one of the spots. The player can place bets on these various spots on the wheel, and if they guess right, they win 35 or 38 times the amount they bet. If they guess wrong, they lose the amount of money they bet. 

The classic live roulette format involves a croupier, or dealer, whose task is to supervise and control the game, deal or take away the chips. Chips represent your money. They are colorful little disks and are easier to maneuver around the table than, say, banknotes. 

Why 35 or 38 times?

There are two major types of internet roulette: the American and the European version.

If you decide to play American roulette, the multiplier is 35. This means, if you bet, say, 2$ and win, you end up with 70$.

Should you play the European version, the multiplier is 38. In this case, if you bet 2$ and win, you end up with 76$.

roulette game, physical casino, roulette table

Generally, there’s no right or wrong choice here, you may play the one you choose or the one that is available in your area. That is, if you play live roulette. But what if choosing the type of roulette you want to play only depends on a single click? What if you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home to experience the excitement of playing roulette? Let’s take a look at online roulette.

Everything You Need to Know about Online Roulette

Remember the description about live roulette you’ve just read? Online roulette or internet roulette is just the same, but without some inconveniences.

The first important question is: how can I play online roulette? You only need two things: internet access and a web browser. Any web browser will do, you don’t have to worry about that.

After opening your browser and searching for online roulette sites, you will find plenty of options to choose from. These are digital versions of the classic roulette described earlier. There is no physical interaction between you and the table and the contents of the table, only a digital surface, which is an exact copy of a real-life roulette table. You will only need a mouse or a trackpad to navigate the digitized table. Since the average German player surely has a stable internet access, this should be as easy as it gets. 

Why choose the online version?

While there is a wide range of casinos in Germany, there are several reasons you should consider that might make your experience much more time-efficient and might also save you some money. Internet roulette comes with a large variety of advantages that even the hardcore fans of traditional casino should take into account. 

Below, I’m going to provide you some valuable insight about the advantages of online roulette which I’ve gathered throughout the years.

Fair play

There is a saying in the gambling world which I’m sure you have heard about a thousand times: the house always wins. Of course, there are multiple reasons behind this statement, and some of them are purely accidental, some other ones not so much.

online roulette, casino game, croupier

Speaking of live roulette, one major issue the average player may face is that the wheel, after being hit by the ball countless times, becomes dented in certain spots. This makes it easier for some players to predict where the next ball is going to end up on the wheel. Players who are new to this game might not know about these little tricks and might lose money because of them. 

However, this can be prevented by playing online roulette. Since you are playing on a digital surface, there can be no physical damage done to the table, no tricks and traps. The whole game is based on an algorithm which has no feelings or intentions, just numbers and an infinite amount of chances.

Don’t waste time on a trip to the casino

Germany is among the bigger European countries, the cities are large and there are long distances to cover. Regardless of the means of transport, you will need to make some sacrifices. You might have to spend money on gas, if you choose to commute by car, or spend money on tickets, should you choose public transport, or just waste time and energy if you decide to walk to your chosen casino. 

All of this can be avoided by playing internet roulette. All you have to do is turn on your computer or laptop and join one of the many online roulette tables. This way, you save a lot of time, energy and money, plus, you can enjoy the comfort of your home and even multitask, playing to the rhythm you prefer.

You don’t have to risk losing your money

Losing your hard-earned money because of an unfortunate bet might be the biggest fear fans of roulette have to face every time they decide to play the game. When playing internet roulette, you don’t have to worry about that. Just like me, there’s a great number of casual players, who enjoy the excitement of the spinning wheel and testing their chances of winning, but want to experience all that without having to worry about leaving their money at the table. 

Luckily, online roulette provides plenty of roulette simulator options, where the player can experience the same excitement as in classic roulette without actually wagering any real money. These roulette simulators use demo money, which isn’t real, only a substitute of its real-life version. 

You want to gain some experience

Maybe your goal is to play in live roulette events, but you don’t have any experience with how things work around a roulette table. If that’s the case, internet roulette can also serve as a learning tool or practice area where you can experience everything that can happen in a real-life situation. Only in this case there will be no impatient strangers around you waiting for your next move, it is just you and an online surface. 

If you feel unsure about your first experience, use this option as a sort of safe place where you can mess up, make bad decisions and take your time without the consequences. 

How to get started?

Although playing roulette online is generally safe, there are a few details you should pay attention to. Every trustworthy website related to roulette should be under the control of a certain gaming authority. This is usually indicated on the home page of the website, the page that you first see as you access the site. Always make sure that your chosen website is under such regulation, otherwise you won’t know whether you should trust it or not. 

Why is this important?

online roulette, casino online, mobile casino

Of course, a lot depends on the type of player you are. Most of these websites require a simple registration process, where you have to provide a username, a password and an email address, where they can send you any necessary details. Providing your email address or any personal data to an unsafe website contains multiple risks and you should always make sure that it conforms to the regulations of gaming authorities so you don’t put your personal data to risk. 

However, the good news is that you don’t have to register if you don’t want to in a live casino. In case you are just a casual player, who doesn’t want to deposit any amount of money, you can skip the registration process altogether.

Online Roulette FAQ

Yes, there are plenty of websites to choose from, just make sure to search specifically for free versions.

The internet offers lots of different tutorials, both in video or written format. Find the one that suits you the most.

If the website is regulated by a licensed authority, you don’t have to worry about safety risks. Check the website carefully first.